Welcome to Dosbarth Yr Wyddfa. We are a mixed class of years 3-6.

We are taught by Miss Taylor and are assisted by Mrs Lewis & Mrs White.


Autumn Term 2024 

Our topic this term is Lights, Camera, Action! Ein thema y tymor yma yw Lights, Camera, Action!  

Grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy our new topic Lights, Camera, Action! As we delve into all things film related. We will begin by looking at early inventions and the birth of cinema. 

Reading / Darllen  

Children must bring their reading book in every day, and this includes their reading record. Please make sure you fill in their reading record at least once a week.  

Homework/ Gwaith Cartref  

Homework will be sent home on a Monday, to be returned for the following Monday. Each week it will alternate between Maths and Literacy activities. This allows parents/guardians to see what your child has been covering within school and an opportunity to reinforce their learning at home.  

The children’s spellings will be sent home on seesaw each Monday to practice at home ready to be tested on Friday morning. This year the children will complete The Spelling Shed activities within school as part of their morning activities.  

Times tables will be sent home on a Monday for the children to practice for a test the following Monday. Times tables are very important in Maths and knowing them will build their confidence not only with multiplication but within other areas of Maths.  

Literacy/ Llenyddiaeth  

This term, we will study the novel the BFG and complete a range of activities to enhance our reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. We will make comparisons between the novel and the animations.  

Maths / Mathamateg  

During the first half of the Autumn term, we will focus on place value, addition and subtraction and rounding. We have problem solving and mental maths activities on a Monday as well as a times table test.  

Forest Schools / Ysgolion Goedwig  

Forest school is on Friday mornings. For the first half of the Autumn Term, we will be focusing on orienteering skills and activities that link in with our class topic.  Please ensure you send your child in appropriate clothing. Remember Forest School can be messy – wear old clothes!   

Physical Education / Addysg Gorfforol  

PE is on a Monday afternoon; the children can come to school in their P.E. kits. Our focus this term is Badminton, Netball and Dance.  

Daily Mile / Milltir Y Dydd  

Everyday weather permitting your child will be involved in a brisk walk/jog/run around the school. We have found that this contributes to improved alertness and mood, and they are ready to learn when they return to the classroom.  

Myself and the team are looking forward to another fantastic year!